
About Us


What Makes Ludis Central Tick?

Ludis Central is a top-notch sports agency born out of a desire to bridge the gap between sporting talents across the world and those who need their services. We utilize the power of technology to drive connections and create value.

We provide a global sports resource platform where players around the world can benefit from various tools and resources to make their dreams of having a professional career become a reality.

Sports teams around the world can also leverage our vast pool of talents to recruit top talents that suit their style of play.
We offer tailored sports recruitment services that cater to all your needs, while giving players a conducive environment to grow and succeed.

Our Core Values

Our Uniqueness

We take great interest in the development of our players. Your win is our win and we work tirelessly to provide you with all you need to succeed.

Our Goal

To become a global resource platform that breaks barriers of nationality, ethnicity, and socioeconomic class in sports using technology.

Our Guarantee

We've gone the extra mile to ascertain the authenticity of the academies/talents, scouts and agents before listing them on the website.

"Ensuring young athletes get the best deals that reflect their talent"

Why Choose Us?


All deals brokered and connections made on our platform are built on the foundation of transparency. All parties involved are always on the same page.

Quick Service

The turn over time from point of expression of interest to completion of the deal has been reduced to the barest minimum, making your deals sail through quickly.


We have carried out due diligence in verifying our talents, academies and agents, giving you the guarantee that all transactions are secure and safe.

Ease of Use

Our portal is easy to navigate and interact with and our operational system is seamless, making your overall experience great.

Ludis Central Quick Figures

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What Our Talents, Academics and Scouts Say​ About Us

We allow our work to speak for itself. Check out what some of our recent talents, academics, scouts have to say about our rendered services. We hope to add you to our list of satisfied clients.

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John De Designation

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo..

John De Designation

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo..

John De Designation

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